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When Your Dentist Prescribes Antibiotics, Follow These Rules For Success And Safety

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Has your dentist prescribed you antibiotics for a tooth infection, gum disease, or other ailment? If so, it's important that you follow his or her instructions carefully. Here's a look at the rules your dentist is likely to suggest you follow when using antibiotics:

Take all of the antibiotics prescribed, even if your symptoms disappear before you run out.

Generally, you'll be given enough antibiotics for 7 or 10 days of treatment. It's essential that you do not stop taking them until you run out. Even if your tooth is no longer sore on day 3 of treatment, you need to keep going until the bottle is empty. Stopping the antibiotics early may cause the infection to come back worse than before, since the strongest, most antibiotic-resistant bacteria may still be in your system after only a few days of treatment.

If your antibiotics say to take them with certain foods, or to avoid certain foods, follow these instructions closely.

Many antibiotics can be pretty harsh on your stomach, causing nausea and vomiting if you don't take them with food. Not only is this unpleasant, but it you throw up the antibiotics, they won't be able to go to work to fight or prevent infection. Some antibiotics interact negatively with certain foods, such as those rich in calcium or iron. If the label tells you to avoid certain foods, do so. Otherwise, you may find yourself needing a second round of a different antibiotic down the road.

Antibiotics that must be taken with food include:

  • Amoxicillin
  • Nitrofurantoin
  • Metronidazole

Antibiotics that should be taken with a glass of water, but no food include:

  • Ampicillin
  • Ciprofloxacin
  • Doxycycline

Call your dentist immediately if your symptoms become worse while you're taking antibiotics.

Once you start taking antibiotics, whatever symptoms you were suffering from should start to improve. Some patients find that their symptoms disappear rapidly, while others find that they slowly diminish over several days. Should your symptoms ever become worse while you're on antibiotics, this means the drugs are likely not working. Thus, you should call your dentist immediately so he or she can prescribe a different drug.

If you were prescribed antibiotics for a tooth infection, for example, you should call your dentist if you develop a fever or the pain becomes worse while you're taking antibiotics. If you were prescribed antibiotics for gum disease, call your dentist if your gums start producing more pus or bleeding more heavily.

Antibiotics are a wonderful treatment for an array of dental problems caused by oral bacteria. In order for them to work, however, it's essential that you keep the rules in mind. If you have specific questions about the antibiotic you've been prescribed, talk with either your dentist or pharmacist to get precise answers to your questions. Visit websites like http://accentdentalnwi.com/ for more information.

