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Your Baby And Their Eyes

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When you have a baby, you want to consider the genetics of your family and whether there is any concern for your baby with regards to inheriting some of the issues that run in the family genes. One area you should be concerned with is your baby's eyesight, especially if eyesight problems tend to run in your family. However, you do want to realize that not all eyesight issues are passed down through genetics. The information here will educate you on some things you may need to be concerned about, as well as give you some basic information on pediatric eye care.

What are some genetic eye issues?

Some of the eye conditions that you may have to watch for in your infant include nearsightedness, farsightedness, and retinitis pigmentosa. While these conditions may take years to rear their heads, it is important for you to remain proactive with regards to making sure your child makes it to all their eye exams and that their pediatric eye doctor is well aware of any and all eye conditions that run in your family.

There are also other eye conditions that can be genetic but can also have other causes. Amblyopia, which can often show itself as a droopy eyelid or a lazy eye, is one example of this type of eye condition. Amblyopia is often easily treated, but the sooner it is found, the better.

Can eye problems be found in babies who can't communicate?

While you may think a child has to be old enough to communicate in order for eye problems to be found, this is not often the case. The pediatric eye doctor will be able to spot some eye problems very early, depending on the condition and how pronounced it is in your infant. By the time your child has reached six months of age, they will be able to follow things with their eyes and notice things like fast movements. This makes six months of age a good time to get your baby an eye exam.

Can you see red flags in your baby's vision?

If your baby isn't tracking items close to them as they become a few months of age, then this may indicate eye problems. Also, once your child is around four months of age, they should stop having that cross-eyed look. Also, you don't want to see one or both of their eyes looking outward. These red flags warrant a special trip to a pediatric eye care center, so a doctor can diagnose or rule out eye problems early on.
