What Do You Know About Oral Care Mistakes?

3 Facts All Potential Dental Implant Patients Should Know

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Implant dentistry allows you to replace one, a few, or all of your teeth with replacement teeth that look and act like your natural teeth. Dental implants remain in your mouth permanently, so there is no need to worry about embarrassing slipping or using adhesives to keep the teeth in place. You also care for them just like your real teeth. While all this sounds great, cost can be factor, and there are some facts about dental implants you should know as well.…

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Helping Your Teen Stay On Track With Their Oral Care

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When your child has become a teen, you have already handed over the responsibility of oral care to them. You would like to think that they are taking that responsibility serious and caring for their teeth the way you taught them. When you ask them if they’ve taken care of their teeth, you’ll more than likely hear, “yes”. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always mean that they are really taking care of their teeth the way they should.…

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When Your Sensory Processing Disorder Child Visits The Dentist: Tips For A Better Visit

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Sensory processing disorder (SPD) is often diagnosed along with other developmental disorders such as autism. If a child has sensory issues, it may affect one sense or several, including the sense of touch. Children who suffer from sensory processing issues can find it especially difficult to deal with everyday situations such as going to the dentist, but they still need to have regular checkups and receive proper dental care. Here are some tips to help your sensory processing disorder child have a happier, less-stressful trip to the dentist:…

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